This survey is an attempt to determine which series, denominations, and types of notes can be found with which of the 'A' varieties that were in use during roughly the 1930s and '40s. The type style of the letter 'A' in serial numbers was changed in about 1930, though it took over ten years for the original 'A' to pass completely out of use.
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Early 'A' Note high crossbar |
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Late 'A' Note lower crossbar |
The transition from the Early 'A' to the Late 'A' took place mostly during the Woods-Mellon signature combination. All notes with those signatures are believed to be common with either version of the 'A' or with mixed 'A' styles, so they are generally not of interest for purposes of this survey.
A few of the latest Tate-Mellon notes were printed with at least one Late 'A' in a serial number. Any such notes are generally scarce. Conversely, in the Woods-Mills signatures (which began in 1932) and in subsequent signature combinations, the Early 'A' becomes scarce, though it was still in occasional use at least as late as the early Julian-Vinson printings (in the mid-'40s). Also involved here were the Federal Reserve Bank Notes of Series 1929, which were actually printed in 1933 and 1934.
In either direction, it is also potentially useful to find notes which have the normal 'A' style for their series, but which have serial numbers close to the known notes with exceptional 'A' styles. Such reports can help to pin down exactly how long the unusual 'A' was in the serialling press, and whether it was used in more than one plate position of any given run. At the moment, I'm only including normal notes in the tables below if they're within several thousand serials of a reported non-normal note, or within a few hundred thousand serials and from the same plate position.
If you have any notes which you think might be of interest for this survey, please email me here with (1) the serial number, (2) the plate position letter, and (3) which 'A' style(s) were used in which locations on the note. Since the two versions of the 'A' can look confusingly similar at first, it might be useful to send a good-resolution scan of your note if you have that capability, for verification purposes. Thanks!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------- LATEST UPDATE: 10/14/17 ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Observed early uses of the Late 'A' Ser/Den/Type Serial Number PP 'A' Styles Source ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tate-Mellon signatures: 1928 $1 SC E 806 31060 A ppF late/early in my collection 1928 $1 SC E 976 78324 A ppJ early/late in my collection 1928 $1 SC F 000 00005 A ppE early/late Ebay 1928 $1 SC F 012 22777 A ppG late/early reported by WG 1928 $1 SC F 058 63762 A ppJ early/late collectorsuniverse 1928 $1 SC F 060 14434 A ppD late/early Ebay 1928 $1 SC F 144 38735 A ppE early/early [normal] Ebay 1928 $1 SC F 618 24814 A ppD late/early in my collection 1928 $1 SC F 666 66672 A ppF late/early Ebay 1928 $1 SC F 666 66687 A ppC early/late reported by DP 1928 $1 SC F 666 66697 A ppA early/late Ebay 1928 $1 SC F 666 66698 A ppB early/early [normal] Ebay 1928 $1 SC G 568 54639 A ppA late/early Ebay 1928 $1 SC G 873 81000 A ppF early/early [normal] reported by BT 1928 $1 SC G 873 81001 A ppA early/late reported by BT 1928 $1 SC H 981 72256 A ppJ late/early reported by RW [both bookends to this note, ppI&K, are normal early/early] 1928 $1 SC K 089 60607 A ppC late/early Ebay 1928 $1 SC * 104 42307 A ppI early/late Ebay 1928 $2 USN A 297 09965 A ppK e-e/l-e in my collection 1928 $2 USN A 440 01066 A ppF e-e/e-l illus in Hessler-Ch. 1928 $2 USN A 504 61503 A ppC e-e/e-l Ebay 1928 $2 USN A 965 20744 A ppJ l-l/l-l (!) reported by DP 1928 $10 FRN I 033 97391 A ppE early/late in my collection 1928 $10 FRN I 036 97839 A ppI early/late collectorsuniverse 1928 $20 FRN D 079 30889 A ppE early/late 1928 $20 FRN G 092 74409 A ppE early/late in my collection Early Woods-Mellon signatures: 1928A $1 SC F 396 66655 A ppG late/early in my collection 1928A $1 SC F 485 29978 A ppD late/early Ebay 1928A $1 SC F 560 05510 A ppD early/late reported by ICC 1928A $1 SC F 955 16847 A ppI late/early in my collection 1928A $1 SC G 071 77207 A ppA early/late 1928A $1 SC G 771 28330 A ppD late/early Ebay 1928A $1 SC G 873 82009 A ppA late/early Ebay [next five serials 010-014, ppB-F, are normal early/early] 1928A $1 SC I 379 27039 A ppA early/late 1928A $1 SC * 127 35339 A ppI early/late Ebay 1928 $5 USN * 011 92202 A ppH early/late Ebay 1928 $5 USN B 130 08198 A ppF early/late reported by DP 1928 $5 USN B 319 90909 A ppA early/late reported by DP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Observed late uses of the Early 'A' Ser/Den/Type Serial Number PP 'A' Styles Source ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Late Woods-Mellon signatures: 1928A $1 SC Y 065 01179 A ppE late/early in my collection 1928A $1 SC Z 049 06816 A ppJ early/late 1928A $1 SC Z 049 09610 A ? early/late Ebay 1928A $1 SC Z 049 22374 A ppJ early/late forum 1928A $1 SC Z 049 26140 A ppH early/late Ebay 1928A $1 SC Z 142 04736 A ppF early/late 1928A $1 SC Z 526 16549 A ppE late/early in my collection 1928A $1 SC Z 532 17761 A ppK early/late in my collection 1928A $1 SC Z 653 75506 A ppJ late/early reported by WG 1928A $1 SC Z 678 59278 A ppJ early/late 1928A $1 SC Z 715 82242 A ppJ late/early Ebay 1928B $20 FRN G 200 09500 A ppJ early/late in my collection Woods-Mills signatures: 1928B $1 SC Y 945 91226 A ppH early/late collectorsuniverse 1928B $1 SC Z 324 69890 A ppB early/late in my collection 1928A $5 USN C 488 18426 A ppH late/early reported by DP 1928A $5 USN C 552 83652 A ppF late/early reported by ICC 1928A $5 USN C 552 83658 A ppF late/early 1928C $20 FRN G 248 72390 A ppH late/early forum 1928C $20 FRN G 251 34488 A ppH late/early seen at CPMX Woods-Woodin signatures: none observed Julian-Woodin signatures: none observed Julian-Morgenthau signatures: 1934 $1 SC A 651 29091 A ppI l-e/l-l in my collection 1934 $5 FRN F 121 79707 A ppG late/early collectorsuniverse 1934 $5 FRN G 100 27784 A ppH early/late collectorsuniverse 1934 $5 FRN G 132 07262 A ppB early/late in my collection 1934 $5 FRN Haw. L 149 86766 A ppH early/late 1934 $20 FRN Haw L 690 56827 A ppA late/early in my collection 1934 $50 FRN B 146 68014 A ppF early/late collectorsuniverse 1934 $50 FRN F 028 46796 A ppF early/late in my collection 1934 $50 FRN H 010 59440 A ppB late/early forum 1928D $2 USN D 275 55776 A ppB early/early in my collection 1928D $2 USN D 286 65356 A ? early/early Ebay 1928D $2 USN D 300 33800 A ppB early/early in my collection 1928D $2 USN D 321 75242 A ppB early/early in my collection 1928C $5 USN G 485 56546 A ppD early/early in my collection 1928C $5 USN G 495 44800 A ppD early/early in my collection 1928C $5 USN 637 G 495 46894 A ppD early/early collectorsuniverse 1928C $5 USN G 495 47927 A ppE early/early in my collection 1934A $5 SC K 666 62277 A ppC late/early in my collection 1934A $5 SC K 699 01527 A ppC late/late [normal] Ebay 1934A $5 SC K 717 38360 A ppB early/early in my collection 1934A $5 SC 637 K 743 05828 A ppD early/early seen at CPMX 1934A $5 SC K 745 35268 A ppD early/early reported by ICC 1934A $5 SC K 754 54519 A ppG late/late [normal] reported by LCS 1934A $5 SC K 766 09280 A ppB early/early in my collection 1934A $5 SC K 775 28465 A ppE early/early Ebay 1934A $5 SC K 792 87290 A ppB early/early seen at CPMX 1934A $5 SC K 811 49663 A ppE early/early reported by ICC 1934A $5 SC K 824 39722 A ppJ late/late [normal] Ebay 1934A $5 SC K 826 823xx A x xx Ebay [this is a run of 20 consecutive serials, 361-380; all notes from] [ ppB,D,E are early/early, while all from ppA,C,F are late/late. ] 1934A $5 SC K 835 51748 A ppB early/early in my collection 1934A $5 SC K 859 73608 A ppD early/early Ebay 1934A $5 SC K 864 78298 A ppD early/early Ebay 1934A $5 SC K 866 30290 A ppD early/early seen at CPMX 1934A $5 SC K 889 94504 A ppB early/early seen at CPMX [next note ppC is normal late/late] 1934A $5 SC K 916 59788 A ppB early/early reported by LCS 1934A $5 SC L 050 64869 A ppE early/early in my collection 1934A $5 SC L 057 26885 A ppE early/early in my collection 1934A $5 SC L 077 84454 A ppF early/late in my collection 1934A $10 FRN F 812 71554 A ppL early/late in my collection 1934A $20 FRN Hw L 682 10911 A ppA late/early seen at CPMX 1934A $100 FRN G 052 42034 A ppH early/late in my collection 1934A $500 FRN B 003 17025 A ppI late/early 1934A $500 FRN B 003 29511 A ppI late/early 1934A $500 FRN B 003 29949 A ppI late/early collectorsuniverse 1934A $500 FRN B 003 30507 A ppI late/early forum 1934A $500 FRN B 003 33645 A ppI late/early 1934A $500 FRN B 003 33987 A ppI late/early 1934A $500 FRN B 003 54303 A ppI late/early reported by RY Julian-Vinson signatures: 1928E $2 USN D 315 27689 A ppE early/early 1928E $2 USN D 319 35767 A ppE early/early in my collection 1928E $2 USN D 325 09669 A ppG late/late [normal] 1928E $2 USN D 328 31036 A ppB early/early in my collection 1928E $2 USN D 353 48324 A ppH late/late [normal] 1928E $2 USN D 354 14355 A ppC late/late [normal] 1928D $5 USN G 535 02821 A ppE early/early seen at CPMX 1928D $5 USN G 535 17394 A ppD early/early in my collection 1928D $5 USN G 535 23292 A ppD early/early 1928D $5 USN G 539 16838 A ppJ late/late [normal] 1934B $5 SC K 909 73943 A ppE early/early seen at CPMX 1934B $5 SC K 917 76053 A ppE early/early in my collection 1934B $5 SC K 958 54188 A ppF early/late reported by ICC 1934B $5 SC K 965 64462 A ppF early/late scan sent by DP 1934B $5 SC L 006 28187 A ppE early/early in my collection 1934B $5 SC L 010 32236 A ppB early/early Ebay 1934B $5 SC L 040 26728 A ppB early/early reported by ICC 1934B $5 SC L 055 10939 A ppE early/early in my collection 1934B $5 SC L 072 07326 A ppF early/late reported by ICC 1934B $5 SC L 083 29272 A ppF early/late seen at CPMX [preceding ppC,D,E and following ppA are all normal late/late] 1934B $5 SC L 144 00144 A ppF early/late collectorsuniverse 1934B $5 SC 637 L 165 15666 A ppF early/late collectorsuniverse 1934B $5 SC L 170 74296 A ppF early/late seen at CPMX 1934B $5 SC * 114 21581 A ppE early/early seen at CPMX Federal Reserve Bank Notes: 1929 $5 FRBN C 000 00061 A ppA early/late collectorsuniverse 1929 $5 FRBN C 002 34573 A ppI early/late in my collection 1929 $5 FRBN C 028 20761 A ppE late/early 1929 $5 FRBN D 006 31213 A ppA early/late reported by MCS 1929 $5 FRBN D 027 40239 A ppI late/early 1929 $5 FRBN D 027 49965 A ppI late/early in my collection 1929 $5 FRBN D 031 68519 A ppI late/early reported by ICC 1929 $5 FRBN D 038 46897 A ppI late/early 1929 $5 FRBN D 042 02523 A ppI late/early 1929 $5 FRBN F 017 29411 A ppA early/late reported by MCS 1929 $5 FRBN G 053 12208 A ppF late/early in my collection 1929 $5 FRBN H 002 02419 A ppI early/late 1929 $5 FRBN H 002 10952 A ppJ early/late 1929 $5 FRBN I 000 45136 A ppD early/late 1929 $5 FRBN I 002 51284 A ppD early/late seen at CPMX 1929 $5 FRBN I 003 47062 A ppJ early/late 1929 $5 FRBN I 004 06317 A ppI early/late in my collection 1929 $5 FRBN I 004 08070 A ppJ early/late collectorsuniverse 1929 $5 FRBN I 004 92544 A ppD early/late 1929 $5 FRBN I 005 36455 A ppA early/late seen at CPMX 1929 $5 FRBN I 005 85022 A ppJ early/late seen at CPMX 1929 $5 FRBN I 005 99715 A ppI early/late seen at CPMX 1929 $5 FRBN I 006 83025 A ppI early/late in my collection 1929 $5 FRBN J 009 27197 A ppE late/early in my collection 1929 $5 FRBN L 000 22090 A ppD early/late 1929 $5 FRBN L 000 76083 A ppI early/late reported by RC 1929 $5 FRBN L 001 16055 A ppI early/late collectorsuniverse 1929 $5 FRBN L 001 27545 A ppI early/late in my collection 1929 $5 FRBN L 001 29849 A ppI early/late reported by LCS 1929 $5 FRBN L 001 37349 A ppI early/late illus in BNR 1929 $5 FRBN L 001 39882 A ppJ early/late reported by RC 1929 $10 FRBN A 001 34094 A ppL l-e/l-l in my collection 1929 $10 FRBN B 047 42796 A ppF late/early in my collection 1929 $10 FRBN B 049 81014 A ppF late/early 1929 $10 FRBN C 008 68881 A ppI late/early in my collection 1929 $10 FRBN D 014 47299 A ppI late/early reported by ICC 1929 $10 FRBN D 022 20195 A ppI late/early in my collection 1929 $10 FRBN E 001 17280 A ppD early/late 1929 $10 FRBN E 001 33024 A ppD early/late 1929 $10 FRBN E 001 54240 A ppD early/late seen at CPMX 1929 $10 FRBN E 005 99332 A ppD early/late in my collection 1929 $10 FRBN E 006 06477 A ppC late/late [normal] reported by RW 1929 $10 FRBN E 006 06478 A ppD late/early reported by RW 1929 $10 FRBN E 010 34360 A ppH late/early 1929 $10 FRBN E 011 64938 A ppB late/early reported by ICC 1929 $10 FRBN E 011 87702 A ppB late/early 1929 $10 FRBN E 011 87716 A ppD late/early 1929 $10 FRBN E 013 26686 A ppH late/early in my collection 1929 $10 FRBN H 006 63322 A ppD early/late papermoneyforum 1929 $10 FRBN H 011 33473 A ppA late/early reported by ICC 1929 $10 FRBN H 012 74994 A ppF early/late reported by ICC 1929 $10 FRBN H 013 02387 A ppI early/late 1929 $10 FRBN H 013 10136 A ppL early/late in my collection 1929 $10 FRBN H 013 34152 A ppJ early/early in my collection 1929 $10 FRBN H 013 43515 A ppG late/early in my collection 1929 $10 FRBN H 015 35888 A ppH late/early 1929 $10 FRBN H 015 43742 A ppH late/early in my collection 1929 $10 FRBN J 005 56741 A ppA early/late seen at CPMX 1929 $10 FRBN J 005 67736 A ppD early/late forum 1929 $10 FRBN J 005 93475 A ppI early/late reported by LCS 1929 $10 FRBN J 006 00297 A ppI early/late in my collection 1929 $10 FRBN J 006 86860 A ppD early/late seen at CPMX 1929 $10 FRBN J 008 14480 A ppD early/late seen at CPMX 1929 $10 FRBN J 011 95366 A ppJ early/late in my collection 1929 $10 FRBN L 004 65497 A ppK late/early in my collection 1929 $20 FRBN A 005 64767 A ppK l-l/l-e in my collection 1929 $20 FRBN B 010 51907 A ppK late/early in my collection 1929 $20 FRBN B 011 06267 A ppK late/early 1929 $20 FRBN B 011 34353 A ppK late/early reported by WG 1929 $20 FRBN B 018 86663 A ppK late/late [normal] 1929 $20 FRBN B 021 33870 A ppF late/early reported by RW 1929 $20 FRBN C 009 69503 A ppK late/early forum 1929 $20 FRBN E 005 82335 A ppK early/late 1929 $20 FRBN E 015 51761 A ppK late/early in my collection 1929 $20 FRBN G 019 75350 A ppF late/early in my collection 1929 $20 FRBN H 003 99647 A ppK late/early Ebay 1929 $20 FRBN H 004 14515 A ppK late/early in my collection 1929 $20 FRBN I 002 73868 A ppD early/late seen at CPMX 1929 $20 FRBN I 002 84602 A ppD early/late in my collection 1929 $20 FRBN I 003 08146 A ppD early/late reported by MCS 1929 $20 FRBN I 003 46360 A ppD early/late seen at CPMX 1929 $20 FRBN I 003 77621 A ppK early/late in my collection 1929 $20 FRBN I 004 09271 A ppK early/late seen at CPMX 1929 $20 FRBN J 001 46423 A ppE late/late [normal] 1929 $20 FRBN J 003 14351 A ppE late/early in my collection 1929 $20 FRBN J 003 40907 A ppE late/early 1929 $20 FRBN K 003 90970 A ppD early/late 1929 $20 FRBN K 004 21547 A ppK early/late collectorsuniverse 1929 $20 FRBN K 004 41905 A ppK early/late 1929 $50 FRBN B 000 28984 A ppD early/late 1929 $50 FRBN D 002 13387 A ppI late/late [normal] 1929 $50 FRBN D 002 19604 A ppD early/late 1929 $50 FRBN D 002 22364 A ppD early/late 1929 $50 FRBN D 002 23456 A ppD early/late collectorsuniverse 1929 $50 FRBN D 002 26090 A ppD early/late 1929 $50 FRBN D 002 36374 A ppD early/late 1929 $50 FRBN D 002 56150 A ppJ early/late 1929 $50 FRBN D 002 66086 A ppJ early/late reported by HC 1929 $50 FRBN D 002 70039 A ppI early/late in my collection 1929 $50 FRBN D 002 72606 A ppH late/early 1929 $50 FRBN D 003 27033 A ppI late/late [normal] 1929 $50 FRBN D 005 40723 A ppI late/late [normal] 1929 $50 FRBN L 003 14453 A ppK late/early Ebay ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------