Series 2009 $100

Printed February 2010 through September 2011. Signatures: Rios-Geithner.
All $100 | Previous $100: Series 2006A | Next $100: Series 2009A
Other Series 2009: $1 | $2 | $5 | $10 | $20 | $50

The numbers in the table are the first and last notes printed in the given month for the given FRB. Colors indicate notes printed at Washington, DC or Fort Worth, TX. All serial numbers in this series begin with J. Serial numbers above 99200000 are not used; thus for example JF99200000A is followed by JF00000001B.

This series was the first printing of the colorised $100 FRN, but due to production problems, these notes could not be issued until they were re-inspected to cull out notes with printing errors. Colorised $100 notes were first released into circulation on October 8, 2013, but all of those notes were Series 2009A; none of the re-inspected Series 2009 printings reached circulation until early 2016.

Month Federal Reserve District (Second letter of serial number) Star Notes Month
Feb 10 - - - - - JF 000 00001 A
JF 032 00000 A
- - - - - -
JB 000 00001 *
JB 006 40000 *
  &   JF 000 00001 *
JF 001 28000 *
Feb 10
Mar 10 JA 000 00001 A
JA 064 00000 A
JB 000 00001 A
JB 384 00000 A
- - - JF 032 00001 A
JF 544 00000 A
- - - - - -
JB 032 00001 *
JB 064 00000 *
  &   JF 032 00001 *
JF 070 40000 *
Mar 10
Apr 10 JA 064 00001 A
JA 160 00000 A
JB 384 00001 A
JB 704 00000 A
- - - JF 544 00001 A
JF 512 00000 B
- - - - - -
JA 000 00001 *
JA 006 40000 *
  &   JB 064 00001 *
JB 096 00000 *
  &   JF 096 00001 *
JF 128 00000 *
Apr 10
May 10 JA 160 00001 A
JA 320 00000 A
JB 704 00001 A
JB 096 00000 B
- - JE 000 00001 A
JE 064 00000 A
JF 512 00001 B
JF 352 00000 C
JG 000 00001 A
JG 256 00000 A
- JI 000 00001 A
JI 224 00000 A
- - - - May 10
Jun 10 - JB 096 00001 B
JB 416 00000 B
- - JE 064 00001 A
JE 352 00000 A
- JG 256 00001 A
JG 832 00000 A
JH 000 00001 A
JH 512 00000 A
- - JK 000 00001 A
JK 096 00000 A
- JJ 000 00001 *
JJ 032 00000 *
Jun 10
Jul 10 - JB 416 00001 B
JB 736 00000 B
- JD 000 00001 A
JD 320 00000 A
- - JG 832 00001 A
JG 864 00000 A
- - JJ 000 00001 A
JJ 416 00000 A
JK 096 00001 A
JK 704 00000 A
JB 096 00001 *
JB 128 00000 *
  &   JL 000 00001 *
JL 032 00000 *
Jul 10
Aug 10 - JB 736 00001 B
JB 064 00000 C
JC 000 00001 A
JC 320 00000 A
- - - - - - - JK 704 00001 A
JK 896 00000 A
JL 000 00001 A
JL 992 00000 A
JB 128 00001 *
JB 160 00000 *
  &   JK 000 00001 *
JK 006 40000 *
  &   JL 032 00001 *
JL 064 00000 *
Aug 10
Sep 10 - JB 064 00001 C
JB 448 00000 C
JC 320 00001 A
JC 736 00000 A
- - - - JH 512 00001 A
JH 736 00000 A
JI 224 00001 A
JI 320 00000 A
JJ 416 00001 A
JJ 608 00000 A
JK 896 00001 A
JK 192 00000 B
JL 000 00001 B
JL 800 00000 B
JB 160 00001 *
JB 320 00000 *
  &   JH 000 00001 *
JH 032 00000 *
  &   JK 032 00001 *
JK 064 00000 *
  &   JL 064 00001 *
JL 096 00000 *
Sep 10
Oct 10 - - - - - - - - - - - JL 800 00001 B
JL 992 00000 B
JL 096 00001 *
JL 128 00000 *
Oct 10
Nov 10 - - - - - - - - - - - - JL 128 00001 *
JL 384 00000 *
Nov 10
Dec 10 - JB 448 00001 C
JB 480 00000 C
- - - - - - - - - - - Dec 10
Jan 11 - - - - JE 352 00001 A
JE 384 00000 A
- - - - - - - - Jan 11
Feb 11 - - - - - - - - - - - JL 000 00001 C
JL 544 00000 C
- Feb 11
Mar 11 - - - - JE 384 00001 A
JE 480 00000 A
- - - - - - - - Mar 11
Apr 11 - - - - JE 480 00001 A
JE 672 00000 A
- - - - - - - - Apr 11
May 11 - JB 480 00001 C
JB 608 00000 C
- - JE 672 00001 A
JE 896 00000 A
- - - - - - - JE 000 00001 *
JE 003 20000 *
May 11
Jun 11 - JB 608 00001 C
JB 736 00000 C
- - - JF 352 00001 C
JF 512 00000 C
- - - - - - JB 320 00001 *
JB 325 12000 *
Jun 11
Jul 11 - JB 736 00001 C
JB 800 00000 C
- - -
JF 512 00001 C
JF 800 00000 C
JF 800 00001 C
JF 992 00000 C
- - - - - - JB 352 00001 *
JB 353 28000 *
Jul 11
Aug 11 - - - - - JF 000 00001 D
JF 064 00000 D
- - - - - - - Aug 11
Sep 11 - - - - - JF 064 00001 D
JF 128 00000 D
- - - - - - - Sep 11
End Series 2009 $100

The BEP reported printing no Cleveland notes beyond JD 320 00000 A, but several Fort Worth-printed notes have been observed with serial numbers in the JD 8xx xxxxx A range. Based on their plate numbers, they may have been printed around September or October 2010. More observed serials are needed to determine the size and serial range of the unreported printing.

Series statistics (explanation)

NotesBlocks Cplx.
Groups Print
A32,000,000 11110 640,0001
B278,400,000 34487 30,080,00012
C73,600,000 11123 00
D32,000,000 11110 00
E89,600,000 11128 320,0001
F310,400,000 45697 7,168,0004
G86,400,000 11127 00
H73,600,000 11123 3,200,0001
I32,000,000 11110 00
J60,800,000 11119 3,200,0001
K118,400,000 22237 3,840,0002
L252,800,000 33379 38,400,00012
Total1,440,000,000 202223450 86,848,00034
Totals incl. stars: 283157484  
Special printings: 0/00/00  Star rate:6.03%
Grand totals: 28/2831/3157

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